Slovak architecture in film
ICONS: Ivan Matušík, Ferdinand Milučký, Dušan Kuzma

Dokumentární cyklus o generaci architektů a architektek, kteří stojí za nejpozoruhodnějšími slovenskými stavbami druhé poloviny 20. století. Každý film z dvanáctidílné série režíroval jiný režisér – celkově to bylo osm žen a čtyři muži – z mladé generace slovenských dokumentaristů. Jednotlivé filmy tak mají svůj nezaměnitelný tón vyprávění a umělecký styl, od „kubrickovských“ záběrů přes historickou rekonstrukci socialismu až po čistou komedii. Každý film je tak osobním dialogem mezi režisérem a ikonickými architekty napříč desetiletími a generacemi.

Ivan Matušík He belonged to the generation of the first graduates of the Faculty of Architecture in Bratislava STU, where he graduated in 1953. His work is based on the principles of functionalism and in many cases successfully ties in with the qualities of modern European and international architecture. Already at the age of thirty, he won the competition for the construction of the complex on Kamenné námestie in the heart of Bratislava city center. In 1961 he became the chief designer of the State Project Institute of Commerce in Brno, Studio Bratislava.

Kristína Leidenfrostová / Slovakia, 2021 / 27 min

Ferdinand Milučký One of the most important architects of Slovak architecture of the second half of the 20th century. He devoted himself to exhibition activity and later designed cultural and social buildings. His works are characterized by geometric abstraction, an overlap with fine art and precise details.

Dorota Vlnová / Slovensko / 2020 / 26 min

Dušan Kuzma He is one of the most expressive Slovak architects of his generation. Unlike many of his colleagues, he was also academically active - in 1960 he founded the Department of Architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. Typical for him is the close collaboration with artists, for example Jozef Jankovič or Ján Kulich. He devoted himself to sculpture.

Daniel Svoreň / Slovakia / 2020 / 26 min


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